Tag: Budgeting

License To Spend: Budgeting for Retirement Fulfillment (Ep. 1)

License To Spend: Budgeting for Retirement Fulfillment (Ep. 1)

You don’t want to be worrying about money during retirement. How can budgeting today help your financial plan last into retirement? Will your money be safe against potential challenges leading up to retirement?

Tim Whisler dives into the idea of a “License To Spend” during one’s golden years, with a focus on the criticality of retirees grasping their incoming funds, outgoings, and the various risks that could arise. Tim shares his wisdom on the financial hurdles that often trip up professional sportspeople and those who strike it lucky with lottery wins, pointing out the significance of managing finances with a firm hand.

Tim discusses:

  • Where does the concept of “license to spend” fit into retirement planning
  • How budgeting breaks down income and spending to create a clear idea of financial standing
  • What role does guaranteed income play in mitigating retirement risks
  • Why is proactive financial management important for a secure retirement

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Investment advisory and financial planning services are offered through Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Insurance, Consulting, and Education services are offered through The Whisler Agency. The Whisler Agency is a separate and unaffiliated entity from Simplicity Wealth and Simplicity Solutions.